1. Enrolment and grant of commission
2. Ad hoc appointsment / regularization
3. Allotment / Vacation / Eviction of Government Quarters /
Government hired accomodation matters
4. Examination and courses
5. Creation and Abolition of posts
6. Pay & Allowances, pensionary benefits, compensation
7. Diciplinary Cases
(a) Court Martial
(i) Summary Court /martial
(ii) General Court Martial
(iii) District Court Martial
(iv) Summary General Court Martial
(b) Summary Award / Summary Tital
(c) Court inquiry
(d) Recording of summary of evidence
(e) Administrative Action including termination of services
(f) Award censure
(g) Suspension
(h) Bails
(i) Wrongful confinement
(j) Disciplinary and Vigilance Ban
(k) Reversion
8. Deputation / repatriation / absorption in Government / Public Sector
9. Ration and Uniform
10. Leave Travel Concession
11. Medical Facilities
12. Special provisions for Ex-servicemen / physically
handicapped / casualty
13. Retirement, dismissal, discharge, release and regination
(a) Pre-mature discharge after inquiry
(b) Discharge on medical ground
(c) Discharge on misconduct
(d) Discharge on the ground of reduction of strength
(e) Discharge on the ground that the recruit is unlikely to become
efficient soldier
(f) Discharge due to red - ink entry
(g) Discharge due to non grant of extension
(h) Discharge on compassionate ground
(i) Other discharge
14. Selection / Promotion / grant of substantive rank etc
(a) Promotion to Naib Subedar
(b) Promotion to Subedar
(c) Promotion to Subedar Major
(d) Promotion of Commissioned Officers
(e) Other promotional matters
(i) Air Force
(ii) Navy
(f) Granting honorary Ranks
15. Seniority / Confirmation
16. Claims of Medical reimbursement Leave, Joining time etc
17. Compassionate appointment / appointment of dependents
of employees dying in harness
18. Crossing of efficiency bar
19. Date of Birth
20. Entry in Character Rolls / Confidential Records / Services Records
21. Fixation of Pay
22. Travel Regulations
23. Grant of pension, family pensions, other retirement benefits and
interest on retrial benefits
24. Refusal to grant Advance / Loans
25. Grant, refusal or recovery of allowances
26. Stagnation increment
27. Annual Cnfidential Reports
28. Compulsary retirement
29. Retiral benefits ( other than pension )
30. Pension matters :-
(a) Disability pension
(i) Injury
(ii) Disease
(iii) War injury
(iv) Broad banding
(b) Family pensions
(i) Ordinary Family Pension
(ii) Liberalized Family Pension
(iii) Special Family Pension
(c) Service Pension
(i) Ordinary Service Pension
(ii) Mustering out Pension
(iii) Invaliding out Pension
(iv) Reservist Pension
31. Maintenance allowance
32. Contempt matters :-
(a) For using any insulating or threatening language
or causing any interruption or disturbance in the
(b) Willful disobediance / noncompliance of order of the Tribunal
33. Miscellaneous : -
(a) Review application
(b) Restoration application
(c) Application for correction in judgements
(d) Application for execution of earlier order
(e) Cases not covered under any of the above categories