In order to dispense expeditious redressal of Armed Forces Personnel in addressing their grievances relating to services matters and pre post confirmation petitions to various authorities against the finding and sentances of courts-martial as also de-clog the number of cases pending before various courts, the Armed Forces Tribunal was constituted with an Act of Parliament received the imprimatur of the Hon'ble Presidents on 29 December, 2007.

As part of setting up Regional Benches, the Jaipur Bench of the Tribunal, under the stewardship of administrative Member Hon'ble Lt. Gen (Retd) Susheel Gupta, PVSM, AVSM, YSM, commenced functioning with only the skelton staff with effect from 22 jun 2009 at the old premises of Army School, Jaipur, the building loaned by HQ 61 sub area Jaipur. Later on Hon'ble Mr Justice Bhanwaroo Khan, has joined the Tribunal as its Judicial Member on 10 Jul 2009.The Tribunal has its juridiction within the geographical boundary of Rajasthan.

In order not to delay functioning and in its quest to dispense justice to the aggrieved armed forces personnel while still being looked for a suitable accomodation within the military station, the Hon'ble Chief Justice of Rajasthan High Court was kind enough to allot accomodation including court room within the premises of Jaipur Bench of Rajasthan High Court for a short while. Thus with the accomodation in hand and the comfortable staff having been reported on depotation/personnel retired having been re-employed on contract basis the court of Armed Forces Tribunal, Regional Bench, commenced functioning with effect from 26 Nov 2009. The Tribunal functioned at the Jaipur Bench of the Rajasthan High Court till 22 January, 2010.

With the persistent interaction with the station top brasses of the army by Chir Person and members of this Tribunal a suitable accomodation in the erstwhile location of Station Workshop, EME was earmarked for AFT, Jaipur. The Station Workshop building was modified under the aegis of Garrison Engineer (Maintenance), Jaipur to suit our requirements.

Own building of Armed Forces Tribunal, Regional Bench, Jaipur was inaugurated on 23 January, 2010. The inaugural function was graced by a galaxy of luminaries, inter alias, to include, Shri Ashok Gehlot, Hon'ble Chief Minister, Rajasthan, Hon'ble Mr Justice K G Balakrishnan, Chief Justice of India, Hon'ble Mr Justice Dalveer Bhandari, Judge, Supereme Court, Hon'ble Mr Justice A K Mathur, Chairperson, AFT, Hon'ble Mr Justice Jagdish Bhalla, Chief Justice Rajasthan High Court and Lt Gen CKS sabu, PVSM, AVSM, VSM, ADC, GOC-in- C, South Western Command. 

Of the 1114 (One Thousand One Hundred Fourteen) cases which this tribunal are handling as of Jun 2011, 674 had been transferred from the Rajasthan  High Court and 440 are filed in this Tribunal by the itigents.

This Tribunal, under the dispensation of Hon'ble Mr Justice Bhanwaroo Khan and Hon'ble Lt Gen (Retd) Susheel Gupta, PVSM, AVSM, YSM, has been dispensing justice to the aggrieved armed forces personnel since then.

Shri CP Singh, former member of Rajasthan Higher Judicial Services was appointed as its first Registrar.  He held the office of Registrar from 01.11.2009 till 11.07.2012.

Shri Buddhi Prakash Mathur, former member of Rajasthan High Court Service was appointed as its first Deputy Registrar.  He held the office of Deputy Registrar from 11.09.2009 till 31.10.2012.